Pay in your preferred method every time, including credit and debit cards, bank transfer, and PayPal, as well as benefit from 60-day net terms.
With JOOR Pay, retailers are extended free 60-day net terms. That means you can buy inventory now and pay for it up to 60 days later—allowing you to purchase the optimal amount of inventory for your store, while improving your cash flow. When you pay off the net terms at day 60, the full amount is returned to your available balance and you can continue to place more orders using the buy now, pay later structure. Get started by applying for net terms today.
*net terms currently offered to qualified buyers in US, Canada, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Australia, and the UK
Worried about currency exchange rate fluctuations? Save time and money by seeing and paying invoices in your local currency, regardless of the brand’s currency. Ask your brands today if they are on JOOR Pay so you can take advantage of these benefits.